Fun things to do and to travel to this summer

Summer is a great time to do things you enjoy, making sure you spend your summer the way you want is important. Summer is  always a good time to make memories and have fun. In Michigan there are lots of fun and cool areas to go to. 

Going on boats seems to be a very popular thing to do in the summer time in Michigan. Boats, jet skis, kayaking or just anything that involves being on the water is always fun doing on hot summer days. Lots of people go up-north in the summertime because there are so many pretty areas and lakes to go to. Some popular lakes you might have heard of are… Glen Lake, Torch Lake, Lake Charlevoix, Black Lake and even the big great lakes as well. Lake Michigan is my favorite lake out of all the five great lakes. 

One way I remember the five great lakes is by the way HOMES 

  1. Lake Huron 
  2. Lake Ontario 
  3. Lake Michigan 
  4. Lake Erie 
  5. Lake Superior

One thing I love to do in the summer is go camping. I love to spend time with my family and friends so camping is always so fun when I go with my friends and family. You can always stay near home when camping if there’s any nearby campgrounds or even if you want to travel and go up north there’s lots and lots of nice campgrounds. There are lots of different ways to camp. If you like to tent camp or even stay in a travel camper, that’s always fun too. Camping is always a great way to spend your summer outdoors and make lots of memories with people you enjoy spending time with. 

Looking to stay near home this summer?? 

One thing most people enjoy doing that can involve most ages is riding bikes. Most teenagers and even people from all ages all seem to enjoy it. Riding bikes is always a great exercise and it gets you outside in the summertime. Riding bikes is a great transportation way to travel to short distance places. People also enjoy riding their bikes far too.

Another hobby people enjoy doing that involves staying around home or  even traveling if you want to is fishing. Lots of people seem to enjoy fishing and some don’t. Fishing is based on patience so if you don’t have lots of patience fishing might not be the best bet for you.

Outside concerts

I love going to outdoor concerts in the summertime. I love listening to music so going places to hear music live is always so fun. Going to concerts is always a fun thing to do if you enjoy listening to music and just having fun with lots of people. Going to concerts with friends and family is such a great way to spend your summer. 


If you are into competing with family and friends and if you do have patience golfing is always a fun thing to do. There are lots of great golf courses in Michigan. I love to go golfing because It is very peaceful and going to different places to golf is always nice because lots of courses in Michigan are really pretty. Golfing is a very great hobby to get into if you like to compete and have fun. If you don’t like spending lots of time on a golf course though there is mini golf which is also very fun. There are a lot of mini golf courses in Michigan to have time with friends and family this summer.

Jump islands

If you have never heard of a jump island, you need to know. Jump islands are very popular in Michigan and they are tons of fun. A  jump island is basically lots of different types of bouncy houses just floating around in the middle of a lake. There are lots of different obsiciales and they are so fun. Going to jump islands is a blast in the summer. 

Those are some things I enjoy doing in the summer and that I plan on doing this summer. I love the summer time and it is my favorite season of the year so I am going to make sure I have a fun summer this year. 

By: Noelle Lefko

5 replies to Fun things to do and to travel to this summer

  1. Wow this is amazing such beautiful places.

  2. I loved this article! I liked how you mentioned golfing and being on a boat, both are good options for a person who may want to chill or be active during the summer! I liked how you mentioned the floaty bouncy island because I’ve been there and they are so much fun for all ages! My grandpa actually lives by Glen Lake and it’s so pretty!

  3. I love how this article mentioned so many awesome places to go! I now have ideas on what to do this summer and can bring my friends along!

  4. I liked this article and how you added good pictures and gave good places to go.

  5. I liked all the places you picked or events to do. Jump island is really fun and so is golfing.

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