5 Ways to Like Reading!

Have you ever wanted to read a book but got too bored to do it? Do you want to find ways to get more into reading? Here are some ways to help make reading fun for yourself!

  1. Places

Something that can help you while reading is knowing your surroundings. Go where you are most relaxed. This could be your bed, the beach, or any special place that makes you feel comfortable. This can relax your mind from focusing on outside thoughts so you can focus on the book. I asked Bree Shimizu what her favorite place to read was and she said, “I love reading in the car when we have a long drive. It’s easy for me to focus because I know I have awhile and there are no distractions or other things I need to do.”





2. Tabbing/Highlighting

Tabbing is something that a lot of readers do. It is when you use colorful sticky tabs and place them into the book on places you would want to look at. This can be many different reasons depending on how you want to read. You can place them on happy moments, sad moments, confusing moments, foreshadowing, and more. Highlighting is used as well but is better at showing the exact line you are thinking about.




3. Audiobooks

Some people really have a hard time just reading in silence so audiobooks can help with that. You can just read them by listening to them or you can have the audiobook in the background while you are following along in the book. If you would really like to get into reading I would recommend following along so you cannot miss any details and start to get used to reading the physical copies of books. I asked Maddie Cooper why she thinks audiobooks help her more than just reading and she said, “Audiobooks helped me stay concentrated and focused on what is actually going on in the book. It helps me recall and understand the context better.”

4. Interests

The biggest thing you can do to not get bored while reading is make sure you are buying books you are interested in. If you can’t finish a fantasy book maybe consider that it’s not what you’re into. Make sure you read the book description, reviews, and blurb before you buy it. If you still want the book after looking at all that give it a try. Once you find the type of books you like whether it’s fantasy, mystery, romance, horror, or something else, you will enjoy reading way more. I asked Ella Blake about her favorite book genre and how she found it and she said this, “ Mystery is my favorite kind of book. I loved the Magic Tree House series growing up because it always made me think and kept me on my toes.”



5. Visualizing Characters

A good way to not get lost in a book is to know what the characters look like. This can be just looking up the characters and seeing what other readers think they look like or if there is a movie you can imagine the actors as the characters. This can help you visualize the book in your head while reading. If you do that then you will have less of a chance of getting lost or confused while reading.

If you even give just one of these ideas a try it can help you in the long run. Reading can also help you in school along with just doing it for fun. Give reading a try before you completely give up on it!

By: Hannah Krolak

10 replies to 5 Ways to Like Reading!

  1. This was a very nice article including information on how reading can be fun! I don’t read often, but now I will consider starting and picking up more books!

  2. This helped me a lot, and I will take those tips while reading.

  3. These tips really helped me a ton! I like reading but I’ve been trying to find ways to make it more enjoyable. I will definitely try tabbing/highlighting my books!

  4. I loved this topic! I struggle to enjoy reading and this article really helped me consider doing it more often.

  5. I liked this article i liked how you gave a lot of ways to start enjoying reading.

  6. I have been in a slump and have not been able to read as of late, but now with these tips, I can get back to reading. Thank you!

  7. I really liked this article! I have never really enjoyed reading but this article gave great alternatives to just reading in school. I will definitely try reading at the beach!

  8. I really like how you set your article! I also love the tips you gave. I’ve always wanted to try to start reading but always find it difficult so I will use these tips in the future!

  9. I like this article because I struggle with wanting to read so I will need to try this.

  10. I really liked this article topic because i feel like I related to it a lot and will definitely use some of the tips!

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