The Power of Movies

What is your all-time favorite movie or go-to movie? I know I have one and I am sure everyone else does too. Your favorite movies could also be the comfort movies you watch when you’re upset or need space. Sometimes you’ll have more than one, which I think is better so you don’t get bored of the same one after so long. Personally, my favorite movie to watch is called, Now and Then. I have watched it so many times, too many times. But who cares, you know?

Why are they important?

Movies are so important to our society and lives in many different ways, especially since there are many different types of movies. Watching movies can help people emotionally connect to the movies and reflect on their own lives. 

Rom-coms: Now from the name it doesn’t seem like people will connect to it but they are pretty realistic to people’s everyday lives. They show the challenges people face every day and relationship problems that many people might relate to. Therefore, they can see how they overcome the problems, but these movies also show the good things that come out of the bad things. For example, in 10 Things I Hate About You, you see the life of Kat, the main character, and how her life is at home, at school, and the relationship she has with Patrick. Her life isn’t perfect, and she faces little obstacles in her daily life just like we do in the real world.

Dramas: Dramas are popular movies that people connect to. These types of movies focus on day-to-day challenges or even long-lasting challenges people face. For example, the movie, Believe Me: The Abduction of Lisa Mcvey, is about a girl who has been through so much trauma in her life but everyone thinks that she’s lying. Even though this is a sad movie and not all of them are based on true stories, they can see how people get through their traumas and will make them feel like they aren’t alone.

Comedy: Comedy movies are one of my favorite types of movies because they can always cheer me up and make me laugh when I am not in a good mood. If you ever struggle with finding a good comedy movie, I would recommend watching one with Kevin Hart because he makes every movie he’s in funny. Unless you don’t like Kevin Hart.

Now these are just a couple of movie genres that impact our society and lives, and there are so many more, but I know you don’t want to read any more if you’ve even made it this far.

Your Favorite Movies: My Ratings

I went around the halls of Carlson High School and decided to get some insight into students’ favorite movies, but now I am going to rate them.

First, we have Addison Skinner with the live-action Aladdin.

This movie I would give an 8.5/10 because I think they did well on the casting and music. It is also one of my go-to movies. However, it is longer than the animation and I don’t know if I like all the little things they added, but overall, it’s a great movie.

Next is Benjamin Ciesielski with Avengers: Endgame. 

I would rate this movie a 7.5/10 because I love Marvel movies and all the characters, however, this movie is way too long in my opinion. Also, Iron Man was my favorite character and he didn’t need to die.

Now we have Bree Shimizu with Moana.

This movie is 8.3/10. It is a well-developed movie and has some catchy songs. It’s not too long, not too short it’s just the right length. Although it wouldn’t be my go-to movie, it is still a good movie worth watching.

Here we have Owen Straub with the movie, Ready Player One.

This movie I would rate a 6.9/10 because I think it is a cool movie that shows how advanced our technology is and how it could eventually end up being. It’s not too long but I feel like it takes a minute to get into. Although it isn’t my favorite movie, it is still a decent watch.

Lastly, we have Brooklyn Detlor with the movie, To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before.

For me, this movie is a 6.7/10. It’s not my favorite rom-com but it is still a watchable movie. I think it has a cute storyline and it is a good movie but it wouldn’t be one of my go-to movies.

In the end, we all have our favorite go-to movies, and everyone might like them for different reasons, but we all have one. Overall, movies are impactful and important to our lives and society because they can help us open our eyes to the world and help us mentally.

By: Addison Wallace

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