Teacher spotlight: Mrs Sims

By: Natalie Matthews

We have so many great teachers here
At Carlson High School. We have such good staff members here who can help us advance our education with each lesson. For this article, the teacher I will be spotlighting is Mrs Sims! Mrs Sims is a history and civics teacher at Carlson High School. She is always someone you can count on who will listen to you and give you advice. In this article, I sat down with Mrs Sims and asked some questions about her.

What is your favorite part of teaching?
The students make it worth every minute.
How do you spend your summer breaks?
She wakes up puts on her robe and drinks her coffee while walking in her backyard looking at her plants, then she starts cleaning for about three hours then she tries to work out and lastly she cooks for herself and her family.
If you weren’t a teacher what would you be doing?
She could see herself doing something with interior design.
Why did you choose to become a social studies teacher?
She just found an interest in it, she thought about
teaching English but she doesn’t like grammar.
What is your hidden talent?
She said she has many hobbies but thinks she could be better at them than she is. She likes to golf, and play tennis, she likes to garden, run, read, cook, and play the piano.
What is your dream vacation?
When she retires she wants to spend a significant amount of time in the Mediterranean
How long have you been teaching?
She first started teaching at Intercity Lansing and Intercity Detroit both 2 years combined, and 18 years at Carlson High School.
Who inspires you?
She doesn’t know if there’s any one person
but specifically, people who have kindness.

Funniest moments:
One time there was a fundraiser and the students had jars in the cafeteria and whatever teacher had the most money in the jar at the end of the week had to go out in the middle of the auditorium and kiss a pig. She didn’t wanna go to the assembly because she had stuff to do and she knew the assistant principal was winning then she went and noticed that the principal put a 100 dollar bill in her jar and she had to kiss a pig.
Another was a pie-throwing competition; no one hit her but as she left. This kid took this pie and threw it at her face. She had to leave her classroom and shower at the school.
This one time she was going to the bathroom and it erupted and went over her shoulders and had it all over her and she was dripping wet all over the hallway.
She was teaching economics and she would offer kids milk and cookies because they go together she took the gallon of milk and put it in her desk and she forgot about it and it exploded and it smelt like an animal had died and she was so embarrassed that she could not tell the janitors and they were looking in the ceiling for dead animals and she switched out her desk with another teachers desk and had to sneak the milk out to the dumpster.

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