Is Social Media Bad For You?

By: Kenny McCurdy

When it comes to discussing the negative aspects of social media there are several points to consider. Social media can have terminal effects on Mental Health leading to issues like anxiety, depression and low self-esteem or even cyberbullying.  The constant comparison to others curated lives can create feelings of inadequacy and fear of missing out. Moreover Excessive use of social media can impact real life relationships as people may prioritize online interactions over face-to-face connections. It can also lead to addiction affecting productivity and overall well-being.  The spread of misinformation and cyberbullying are the other concerning aspects of social media that can have serious consequences on individuals mental and emotional health. In conclusion, while social media has its benefits in terms of connectivity and information sharing, it’s essential to be mindful of its potential negative impacts and strive for a healthy balance and its usage. Over half the world uses social media. Currently 5.07 billion people use it.  


This is Lucas, he said social media is bad for you because it’s a waste of time.

This is Teegan, he said social media is a waste of time because it’s addicting and takes too much time out of people’s lives and they need to get rid of it even though he uses it.

MORE FACTS: What do we know about the mental health risks of social media use?

Facebook and Instagram and other social media platforms are important sources of socialization and relationship-building for many young people. Although there are important benefits, social media can also provide platforms for bullying and exclusion, unrealistic expectations about body image and sources of popularity, normalization of risk-taking behaviors, and can be detrimental to mental health.

Girls and young people who identify as sexual and gender minorities can be especially vulnerable as targets. Young people’s brains are still developing, and as individuals, young people are developing their own identities. What they see on social media can define what is expected in ways that is not accurate and that can be destructive to identity development and self-image. Adolescence is a time of risk-taking, which is both a strength and a vulnerability. Social media can exacerbate risks, as we have seen played out in the news.


This is Zach holewinski he Think social media is bad for you because it is very addictive and people spend too much time on their they don’t really remember half the things they listen to so there’s no point to waste your time going on social media you should go do something better in your life like Maybe you could study for some exams or or go get some food or go hang out with friends in the outside world instead of being inside on your phone or on your game wasting your life on social media.

This is Brayden Turner He said social media is a complete waste of time and like everyone else says he thinks people should do something better with their life instead of sitting on their devices and wasting their life on social media. He also said he thinks people need to find new hobbies to keep them distracted off social media like hiking, swimming, playing sports or lifting weights or chasing dreams.

Overall in my opinion I also do think social media is a big distraction for all human beings and I do think it is bad for People’s Health especially from all the cyber bullying and suicide that has been happening recently, so in conclusion I think all people need to have a limit on social media.

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