Should Schools Ban Phones?

Hi guys, if you’re like me you enjoy listening to music or watching a show to motivate you to get some school work done. This is because some people need background noise in order to stay focused on their work, so it could be hard to work without any noise. I’ve been thinking what are some of our staff and students’ opinions on this possible phone ban?

Should There Be A Ban On Cellphones?

I went around the halls asking teachers this question and here are a few of their answers.

Ms. Pettit-

 Ms. Pettit said that she thinks there should be a ban on cell phones. She says that they have to do with distraction in grades, and affecting the attention span of students in the classroom environment.

Ms. Stefani-

Ms.Stefani thinks yes there should be a ban because she thinks that we have gone beyond a place where people can quickly check their phone to one where they are completely taking over. She stated that “A phone is a social crutch” because students rush through assignments and tests to just pick up their phone.

Ms. Laginess-

Ms. Laginess says, “I think it’s a great idea, students are just on their phones too much, relying on technology instead of having conversations with other people, learning and social skills are suffering.” (She made me do this as a second article for being on my phone…)

Ms. Heath-

Ms. Heath says, “Ban e’m”

My opinion-

Honestly, hearing what each of these teachers had to say about a cellphone ban made me start thinking. I am a person who normally will get their work done with headphones either watching a show or listening to music as I stated in my previous introduction. I will admit though that sometimes I get off track while doing that but very rarely. These responses made me realize that yeah a cellphone ban should be put into play, but I think that it should only be during class periods. Not during passing time, going to the bathroom, advisory, or lunch for that matter. So yeah, that is what I think.

How Do You Feel About A Suspected Cellphone Ban?

After I went around interviewing teachers and putting all of their responses down I decided to ask some of my fellow classmates how they feel about this topic.

Addison Wallace-

Addison says, “I don’t like it, because I like listening to music during school to help get my work done.”

Sophia Seifert-

Sophie says, “I think that cell phones are necessary, because I need to use it for some of my classes, and it makes it an easier way to text my family if I need something.”

Lauren Autry-

Lauren says, “I do not like it, because what if I am in danger who is going to help me? Nobody because they took my phone.”

Aliyah Newsome-

Aliyah says, “Awful honestly, but I mean I guess it could benefit us somehow.”

Final Thoughts

Now that we know some other thoughts and opinions on this topic. I would like to know, what are some of your guys’ opinions. Comment below and let me know. Thank you for reading!

By: Isabelle Salas

4 replies to Should Schools Ban Phones?

  1. I love how you shared your opinions on the phone ban throughout the whole article! It gave us time to reflect and decipher whether we should or should not have a phone ban. In my opinion, I think they can go about it a different way, letting us have our phones when we are completed with our work but not letting us go on them when it is necessary.

  2. I like how you got multiple different opinions on this matter and allowing people to voice them.

  3. I loved that you got both teacher and student perspectives. I know this has been the topic talked about a lot throughout the school recently so it was interesting to see what everyone thinks. I think that the ban will help the students to focus a lot better. This will benefit not only the students’ learning but also the teachers, so they can teach their lessons. I don’t want it to happen but, I can see why they are considering it.

  4. I really like how you gave the perspective of both teachers and students because they have opposite opinions.

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