Nutella Bombs

Are you looking for a delicious easy and quick dessert treat? If so I got the one for you! These treats are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. The best part is they only require three ingredients that you most like to have at home.


  1. Powdered sugar
  2. Nutella
  3. Biscuit dough 

Step One

The first step to making this sweet treat is cracking open the dough. Once the dough is open, you will want to separate the dough and flatten each piece down. Make sure to spread them out as much as possible so there is enough room for the filling.

Step Two

Once all the dough is pressed out, you will take the Nutella and put 1 tablespoon in the center of each biscuit. After filling all the biscuits, you’ll pinch each side together until there are no gaps. If you have difficulty getting the dough to stick together and stay closed, you can add a little water to help it melt together.

Step Three

Once you have all the biscuits rolled and ready, you need to place them on a baking sheet and slide them in the oven. Set your oven to 360 for the perfect consistency and bake for 15 minutes.

Step four

By the hand of 15 minutes, your biscuits should be golden brown and ready to plate. Now all you have to do is add the final touch, a dash of powdered sugar to top it all off!

With just this handful of pantry staples, you can whip up something truly delicious. You don’t need any baking skills and it is hard to go wrong with these. So go give it a try you might end up loving this go-to treat. Perfect for the times you want something sweet without a hassle.

By:Olivia Blanchard

9 replies to Nutella Bombs

  1. I love how you added a picture for each step so people can get a visual of how they’re made, and I definitely want to try these!

  2. I love how you included pictures for each step of creating your Nutella bombs. I also love how you list the ingredients for this recipe too, and tell use how long it should take to make.

  3. Wow I really liked how you showed the steps and how easy they were!

  4. I liked how you took a picture to show how to make these step by step.

  5. love how you started off the artical

  6. I like how you showed step-by-step how to make them

  7. This article really caught my eye as a Nutella lover. I liked how you showed each step too, seems like a straightforward process.

  8. These look great and so easy to try, I like how you kept it short and sweet but still described it all the way.

  9. You make this so easy to read and follow along with! I love the specific measurements and how deeply you explain exactly what you’re doing and exactly how you put your Nutella bombs together.

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