Behind the Smile: My Middle School Experience 😬

Facing the reality 

When people talk about middle school they normally describe it as a time of discovery, growth, and unforgettable memories. For some, it might even be an era of new friendships and laughter. But not for me. Middle school felt more as if I was a deer in headlights—frozen, and unsure of which direction to turn. So if your middle school experience was a complete train wreck, trust me you are NOT alone.  

Lost in my skin

In middle school, I didn’t even know myself. I felt out of place, always trying to figure out who I was and where I fit in. I tried to fit into many different groups, but it always felt like I was pretending to be someone I was not. On top of internal struggles, I had no idea what I was doing socially…lol. I tried fitting in with my friends and was always doing stuff I didn’t feel comfortable doing just to feel included. Whether it was picking up their hobbies, shows they watched, or going along with their plans, I often ignored my preferences and values. I thought by doing what they did, I would finally belong. But it just made me feel more out of place. To be honest, I believe nobody really knows what they’re doing at that age, now in high school, and even as adults. 

Little middle school me

What I Would Do Differently

If I could go back and do things differently, I would focus on doing things my way instead of trying to please everyone around me. The good thing about middle school is that it taught me valuable lessons, i’ve learned that what really matters is my own happiness and knowing my worth. Looking back on it, if I would have put my own needs and values first, I wouldn’t have had to worry about what other people thought of me. Understanding that my self–worth is the most important thing would have made those years easier and less stressful. 

All Said and Done 

In Conclusion, everyone knows that Middle school is one of the most difficult years in one’s life. But that’s only just a little snippet of it, you have your whole life ahead of you. Just know things do get better and never give up. If you ever feel like you are giving up, talk to someone, a friend, or a counselor, because you are important. Most importantly KNOW YOUR SELF WORTH because you are amazing and NEVER EVER forget that. 

By Ashlynn Chapman 

Suicide Lifeline 

3 replies to Behind the Smile: My Middle School Experience 😬

  1. I like this article because you feel comfortable sharing your experience in middle school makes people feel that they’re not alone. I also like how you talked about what you would have done differently.

  2. I love how you are not afraid to talk about your experience, this makes others feel more comfortable talking about theirs. I also love how you gave us a small bit about what you would’ve done differently if you could’ve.

  3. This was an excellent blog. I loved how you told the truth about your middle school experience.

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