Not Another Food Blog 

When it comes to fast food it’s always a competition on which one has the best food and which one tastes the best. Have you ever wondered what’s different about the taste of the fast food places you picked? Macdonald’s and Wendy’s have the same menu and have competed for years in the food industry. So what’s keeping them both in business then, what’s the difference? That’s why I tried the most popular item at fast food restaurants; fries. So you wouldn’t have to.


Everybody knows McDonald’s and everyone has tried their fries. But what’s the difference between their fries and everyone else’s fries? What makes them McDonald’s? The fries are always a hit or miss for me, they’re either too crunchy and small and taste like they were refried to maintain the hotness or are the best long slim hint of salt soft but lightly crunchy fries. They cook their fries by cutting the potatoes and frying them in beef flavoring, they add salt which they would say is their form of dextrose sugar. They also typically use different types of potatoes for their fries. I give their fries an 8/10 in total because sometimes they are not always the same as last time and overall out of all popular fast food spots I give them a 2/6. 


Wendy’s, the little sister to the big sister of Macdonald’s. Like how the little sister wants to be like the big sister and copies a lot of what the big sister does, that’s how Wendy’s is. Wendy’s is known for a lot of things like their $5 Beggie bags, Baconator, Chili, Frosty, and their fries. The fries from Wendy’s are the same as most fast food restaurants, nothing special, and nothing that’s too much different from the recipe. Making the fries taste very close to McDonald’s, however, the fries did taste fresher, and newer, and had a great church at the end but in the middle had a smooth, salty, and saggy moment. Wendy’s fries are sliced potatoes cooked in vegetable oil and coated in sea salt for an extra boost of flavor. I give Wendy’s fries an 8.5/10, just because they taste fresh but nothing out of the ordinary. Overall I give them the top 4/6 out of all popular fast food restaurants. 

Burger King

Burger King, It’s not the first place most would go for fries but the place most would go for wrappers. However this time I went to try their fries after not having them for years. The fries were soft but tender, juicy but crunchy, and had just enough salt to reach my taste buds but not make them say “Eww what did she just put on her tongue”. Their fries were not small nor wimpy, they had a pretty good cut to them and the thickness of the fries worked very well with the heavier side of slatness. The fries are made with vegetable oil, salt, and potatoes but also made with instant mashed potatoes. I’m not sure what Burger King uses their instant mashed potatoes for, but it’s working. I would rate their fries a 9/10, just because it’s more for your buck and also because their fries are fresh. Overall out of all popular fast-food restaurants, I would give them the top 3/6 which is right in front of Wendy’s.


Lots of people don’t know that KFC even has fries, which you would think would be saying something. But when I tasted their fries I was generally shocked at how the fries didn’t have the taste of normal fast food fries, but somehow still tasted better. The fries had a taste of spices that hit your taste buds leaving them speechless. These fries were amazing but the amount of fries for the price of $4 is just not enough. However, I did really enjoy the taste and will be back for more. The fries are made out of potatoes, vegetable oil, and a mixture of seasonings.  I would give these fries a 9.5/10 and would overall put them in the top 5/6 just for the price. 

Taco Bell 

Taco Bell is known for Tacos, I mean it’s literally in the name. But after tasting their nacho fries, they should be known for their fries. Two words only to describe their fries; amazingly delicious. I have never had something that tasted like Taco Bell fries. The fries have a spicy taste when you first bite into it, but then the second bite is full of sweetness, making their fries sweet but spicy which is a great taste that would leave your mouth watering. Their fries are made from potatoes, spices, and nacho cheese if you want some on the side. I would give their fries a perfect 10/10 because they are different and have great flavor. Overall out of all the popular fast-food restaurants, I would give them top 1/6.


Chick-fil-A has recently come out of nowhere and has easily become one of everyone’s favorite fast food places to eat. One of the reasons is because of the fries. The fries aren’t long and skinny but are actually in the form of waffle-cut fries, one of the best types of cut fries. When I tasted this waffle cut frie, I thought I was dreaming. I was so confused on how a fast food restaurant could get this type of taste on a frie. The frie tasted like pure magic like I was in a fairy tale. The taste included a nice crust on the sides of the frie with a dash of salt in every line of the design of the waffle frie. It had just enough salt and crunchy crust to make you say” Is this even real”. Their fries are made with potatoes that are cut into a waffle shape, fried in canola oil, with a sprinkle of sea salt. The fries are a 10/10 nothing less and overall I would even say out of all the most popular fast-food restaurants, they tie with Taco Bell fries as a top 1/6.

I asked a few people from CHS High School what their very fast food frie is and why. A 10th grader named Leyanna said “My favorite fast food fries is Chick-fil-A because of the type of frie it is. Another 10th grader Ana said,” My favorite fries from a fast food restaurant is McDonald’s because of the saltiness on the frie.” Lastly, I asked one more person from a different grade what they thought about Taco Bell fries and if they ever had them, here’s what they had to say. “Taco Bell fries are great and I could eat lots of them.”- CHS High School senior student Melvone. 

Overall next time you go to a fast food place and get the fries, I hope it’s a new place that you are inspired to go to from this article that talked about all the different types of fries and places.

By; Kemia Williams

Hello, hope you’re having a great day and also had a

 great read. I decided to write about this topic because 

it involves a lot of comparing and contrasting, which

 is something that I find very interesting. I also wanted

 to see if I could see a difference in the fast-food fries or

if it was just the same fries with a different name and price on

 it. I hope you enjoyed this article and your day, bye-bye for now…

16 replies to Not Another Food Blog 

  1. I really enjoy how before I even read your article I’m already drawn in with a humorous title.

  2. I loved this article! I love how you included your thoughts on the fries and got other people’s opinions. I can reflect on the different fries from fast foods, getting a better description of how they taste and how we can compare the fries. I would have to agree with you on the Chick-fil-A and Taco Bell fries being the best!

  3. I like how you wrote from a different perspective on food and you talk more about the taste and ingredients. I also like how you include your opinion!

  4. I really like how you put the items you think are the best based on the items you tried from each place.

  5. I love the setup of this article. The title really caught my attention. I also love all of the colors within the article! Fresh McDonald’s fries are my favorite.

  6. I love the personal ratings, it shows more of your personality!

  7. The setup of this article was really good!! It was fun reading on some of the most popular places. The ratings make this more relatable and interesting to read.

  8. I love they layout of the page but there is a lot of things spelled wrong.

  9. I really liked the title of your article. I loved how you organized the article clearly and it allowed me to read this article much easier. I liked how you included the most popular food chains that everyone including my family enjoys!

  10. I love how you compared and went into detail about the fries from each place. I also really liked your title, it was funny but also drew me in to read more.

  11. I like how it was organized, it made it very easy to read and understand good job.

  12. I think this article because I liked how you included all those things that make the place special.

  13. I really liked how you included a lot of the most popular food places. I also liked how you included your own rating of each restaurants fry.

  14. I liked this article because I liked how you included your opinion and how you included a little bit about what each restaurant is known for.

  15. I like how descriptive you are and how you rated the fries as well!!

  16. I like your setup I also like how u gave the ratings for the food places

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