Paper or Chromebook? – Which One is Better?

            Paper vs. Chromebook in Schools

All schools in the United States use at least one of these daily. Some schools even use both paper and Chromebooks. There are pros and cons to using both in schools, but this has been a growing topic not just at Carlson High School but in many public and private schools nationwide. There are pros to using paper like you get physical copies of your work, but there are cons like it can waste paper. There are pros to using Chromebooks, such as saving lots of paper, but cons like you need wifi. There are many pros and cons to both. In some cases, it depends on what work you are doing. Many students love paper, and some students love Chromebook work.

The Pros and Cons of Using Paper in Schools

There are many pros and also cons to using paper in schools. One of the pros is that you can have a physical copy of your work and look at it whenever you want. You also memorize things faster when you write them down so the paper would be a lot better to use for studying in school instead of a Chromebook. Another pro is that teachers can ensure kids aren’t cheating- because they can see exactly what they did on the paper. The biggest con of using paper in schools is that it causes a lot of waste and a lot of paper gets thrown away or even never used. Another con is that paper can be easy to lose, especially for high school students who get lots of papers daily. There are many other pros and cons to using paper in schools. Many people prefer it, and many people don’t prefer it. 

The Pros and Cons of Using Chromebooks in Schools

There are many pros and cons to using Chromebooks in schools. One of the pros is that All of your work is right in front of you and you can’t lose it. Another pro of using Chromebooks in schools is that you have less to carry around and you can have more room in your backpack if you have to bring other things to school. Another pro of using Chromebooks is that you can easily get your work graded and see your grades much faster. It also helps you track your work better, what you have done/turned in, and what you have missed. One con of using them in school is that if you have homework ot do and its online, and your Chromebook doesn’t work at home, you can’t do your homework. Also, if the wifi at school or home isn’t working then it’s very hard to get any work done. Another con of using Chromebooks in school is that many people try to cheat on their assignments and tests/quizzes. It can be a lot easier to cheat on things with a Chromebook because you can easily search things up. 

Which one will you choose?

While there are pros and cons to using Chromebooks and papers in school you may not have wifi to use your Chromebook but it is easier to keep track of your grades, and you may lose your papers but its easier to take notes, there are many to both and it is up to you!!

At Carlson, many teachers prefer paper because lots of students try to cheat when they assign Chromebook work. But, our school has been trying to cut down on paper usage. This is an upcoming topic around the school. Which will YOU choose?

By- Madi Nuttmann

12 replies to Paper or Chromebook? – Which One is Better?

  1. I was intrigued by this article because as a student I want the best possible way to study and by saying the pros and cons of each you helped me decide!

  2. I really like how you included pros and cons of both rather than trying to convince people to choose one or the other.

  3. I thought this article was interesting and different. Personally, I would choose paper because I actually enjoy writing.

  4. I liked that you included both pros and cons of each side.

  5. I liked this article because you found pros and cons and didn’t just say what you think is better.

  6. I liked the whole idea of this article because this is something people find controversial. I enjoyed how you listed pros and cons.

  7. I liked how you put both sides so people have an idea of where other people are coming from.

  8. I love how you included that you can study better with writing on paper, but you can also grade and get stuff done faster on Chromebooks! The debate is really tough, and I love how you made the question to the audience at the end, having the readers reflect.

  9. This article was really intriguing and definitely a controversial article. I really liked how you compared the two. I personally prefer computers but the cons really changed my perspective.

  10. I liked this article because it showed some pros and cons of paper and Chromebooks. I personalty like Chromebook better than paper.

  11. I liked the intro to this it pulled me in.

  12. I liked this article because you included the pros and cons of both options and why each one is beneficial.

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