CHS Trip to the Toledo Zoo

Do you enjoy school field trips? Have you ever been to the Zoo? Well, you’re in luck! Come along with me as I indulge in the Carlson High school trip to the wondrous Toledo Zoo.

About the Toledo Zoo

The Toledo Zoo is located in Toledo, Ohio. It is possible that you could find yourself driving under the bridge that connects the two sides of the attraction together as the park has 51 acres of land that is covered. This Zoo opened its doors in 1900, making it one of the oldest zoos in the United States. Over the years the zoo has expanded and added new attractions and species
and updating the surrounding facilities. The zoo houses over 10,000 individual animals representing over 700 species. It offers a wide range of educational programs and events for visitors of all ages, including school field trips, summer camps, and adult learning opportunities.

Input from the Visitors

Noelle Lefko:

“I liked the zoo because I liked seeing the different animals and my favorites are the tigers, cougars, and monkeys”

Joaquin Pate:

“My trip was great because I like monkeys and elephants and I had good ice cream at one of the food stops”

Natalia Gervasi:

“ I felt that it was very educational and my favorite animal and attraction that I had visited was the fish in the aquarium”

Animals found at the Zoo
The Toledo Zoo features a large variety of exhibits, including the Arctic Encounter, African Savanna, Primate Forest, Aquarium, and the award-winning Tempo Trail, which focuses on African wildlife. This zoo is constantly involved in conservation efforts both locally and globally. It participates in numerous Species Survival Plans and breeding programs that are focused on preserving endangered species. Additionally, the zoo supports various conservation initiatives through different funding and research.

One of the first attractions you can see is the African animals, which include Masai and Reticulated Giraffe, Cheetahs, Plains Zebra, and the Ostrich. This attraction gives you the opportunity to feed the Giraffes if you so choose, for a small fee.

A second attraction is the Aquarium, there you can find sea animals such as the Green sea turtle, Sea nettles, Clownfish, and Stingray. The Aquarium has a multitude of tanks where you can reach in and feel the animals yourself.

Arctic Encounter
The next attraction is the Arctic Encounter, this is where you can find animals like the Polar bear, Seal, Sea lion, and Gray wolves.

Another attraction is the Aviary, where you can find bird species like the Bourke’s Parrot, Andean cock-of-the-rock, Pink-necked fruit dove, and a Kagu.

Kingdom of the Apes
An attraction everyone loves is the Kingdom of the Apes, which is where animals like the Western lowland gorilla and Bornean orangutan are located.

Kodiak Ridge
The next attraction is the Kodiak ridge where you can find different bear species. Some species include the Kodiak bear and the grizzly bear. In this exhibit, the bears have their own names and two of them happen to be sisters.

Primate Forest
Another exhibit is the primate forest which includes animals such as the Red panda, White-cheeked gibbon, Red-ruffed lemur, and the Langur.

Reptile House and Tempo Trail
Two of the last few exhibits are the Reptile House and the Tempo Trail. In the Reptile house you can find different species like the Saltwater crocodile, Galapagoes tortoises, Tuatara, and the Reticulated python. In the Temp Trail you can find species such as the Elephant, Nile Hippopotamus, Greater one-horned rhino, and a fan favorite, the North American River Otters.

Tiger Terrace
Finally, we have the last attraction, Tiger Terrace. Here you can find the Amur Tiger, Dingo, Flamingo, and Cavy.

I hope you can find yourself using this information to guide you to making a trip to the Toledo zoo. The students who partook in this trip would love to be invited to go again. The Zoo is a great place to visit!

This article was written by Kennedy Hardy

6 replies to CHS Trip to the Toledo Zoo

  1. I liked how Kennedy interviewed different people who went to the zoo, I also liked how she wrote a lot about the different animals she seen at the zoo.

  2. I love all of the pictures. Made me feel like I was there while reading this.

  3. I love how you explained the zoo as a whole and then each section individually.

  4. I love how you explained each attraction and added plenty of photos.

  5. I thought the interviews in this article were a cool touch. It’s always cool to hear people’s opinions on things especially when it’s something like the zoo which many people wouldn’t consider asking questions about.

  6. I love you included some of the student’s perspectives and their favorite parts of the zoo! I also really liked how provided descriptions of the areas in the zoo to give people an idea of what’s in it.

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