Holding A Job In High school

Articles Purpose:

This article is going to be exploring the positives and negatives of working a job as a high school student. Many students think of working in high school but aren’t sure if they can manage it whether it’s due to availability or capability. With this article I will provide input from students and informed individuals to share their thoughts and experiences with balancing education with work, this is to hopefully help people push people to explore the world and begin another output to their future.

Reasons To Begin Work

There are many different reasons a person can want to start working whether it be for extra money on the side or to take care of their car insurance for the month. Getting a job while young can boost your literacy skills giving you a first hand experience of working for your earnings along with a clearer understanding of the value of money, not only can it boost your literacy skills but your social skills as well. When you get a job you meet people and mingle it is important to be able to work with people and it is especially a important skill to gain early on. Finally, getting a job early makes you money, this draws people in. Nobody is opposed to money on the side and its never to early to start an emergency fund in case something were to happen you have money to help yourself out of a negative situation.

Positive Effects

It can show students the value of hard work and show that it’s possible to begin making a living.

It can teach the importance or teamwork and communication.

It can build one’s self confidence and beliefs of their future along with occupying their time and lowering the rates of troubled students.

It can teach time management skills and workplace educate which will help in future jobs.

Negative Effects

Can cause stress due to the amount of hours being occupied by school and work.

Takes away personal time. Working and school leave little to no time for homework and activities.

Causes sleep deprivation/ fatigue. Many times students stay up late to end a shift or finish the homework and wake up the next morning, repeating the cycle.

Lack of career advancement. Many times the jobs highschoolers work have no actual career path and they have to explore different paths.

Tips/ Pointers

Focus during class and do your work while you’re still in class/ ask questions. This will lessen your homework and provide more time for work or other activities.

Find motivation or make a goal. It is easier to work a job when you have a goal and it may make the job seem less stressful.Make a savings account. When you begin putting money in your account it will motivate you to keep up on working.Know your limits. If you realize work is becoming too much of a task find a new job or talk to a boss about less days.

MY Experience:

Navigating the world of customer service during my high school years has been nothing short of an adventure. From handling a mix of customer personalities to resolving various issues, it’s been a crash course in communication and adaptability. Each interaction has become a puzzle to solve, turning every challenge into an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Juggling school assignments with customer service demands has been a bit like tightrope walking, but it’s taught me the invaluable skills of prioritization and time management – skills that extend far beyond the workplace. Beyond the occasional stress, this experience has offered me a backstage pass to the world of empathy and understanding, showing me how crucial they are in meeting customer needs. It’s safe to say that the lessons learned in the realm of customer service will be woven into the fabric of my approach to future academic and professional encounters.

-By: Rachelle Butts


12th grade

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