A Day in the Life of the Carlson Basketball Family

Hello, my name is Owen Straub I am a player on the Carlson Basketball team and I write this story to help show you a day in the life of the Carlson Basketball Family. From the lows and the highs, you can see it all through the detailed pictures I’ve captured.

The Carlson Marauders lose their 5th game in a row becoming 0-5 in the 2023 season. The team needs to find the problem in their game before they become any lower in their record.

Carlson locker room- Linden Lewandowski stares at the cold floor disappointed with the outcome of the basketball game. How will the Marauders change the downhill direction they’re going in?

The team moves past the loss by preparing for the next game, which is only days away. The team starts preparing for their next competitors by watching game play of the team they are about to verse.

The next step in preparation for returning from a loss is to get in the right room. The coaching staff prepares exercises for the athletes.

The coaches bring the team together with a team dinner and discuss what they believe is the problem. They inform the players to share the ball and trust their team.

On the day of the game, Carlson’s team can be seen warming up and putting up shots with the thought of trusting their team to ensure the best outcome for the Marauders.

The end result is 67-62 Carlson wins. The teams have been working toward a victory now they just need to stay on this path; continuing to win games will prepare them for districts and regionals in the future.

Tyler Martin and Linden Lewandowski celebration pose after winning the game. The Carlson team is now 1-5; now because the team believes in their team’s skill and dedication they’ve placed themselves on the road to success.

Coach Paul and Coach Haskins discuss how they will continue their team’s wins. The Carlson team couldn’t won without the coaching staff’s training and open mindset to how the team can get better.

The takeaway from the Carlson basketball family is learning how to trust your team and work together rather than by themselves. A quote by Phil Jackson connects to this “Good teams become great ones when the members trust each other enough to surrender the Me for the We.”

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