How a Millionaire Picks Out a Car

Buying cars nowadays is a big deal, especially with the prices listed at. It is such a big commitment to really go through with a vehicle purchase. If you look at the trends of how the prices have changed over the years you will surprised and shocked.  but it’s okay because there is a solution to every problem.

Compare the Prices Over the years:

When looking at car prices in just the last 3 years there is a insane amount of change in those prices. According to the average price of a new car is now a whopping $48,000. That is absolutely mind-boggling, when you look at the trend from 2020 and 2023 there is almost a $10,000 increase IN ONLY 3 YEARS. Now people who follow the trends in the car market think that the COVID-19 lockdown really messed up the prices for a few reasons. The lockdown caused a few things to happen,

Manufacturers do not make enough cars, companies do not make certain pieces for the cars, and people just change the way they use their money.

New vs. Used:

Now preference has a decent impact wether choosing between a new and a used car. 

A brand new car is nice and all but it is sometimes not the most efficient to your wallet.

Putting out the obvious, a used car is going to be more costly and cheaper than a new car. Second, when buying a new car as soon as you drive it off the lot it loses depreciation, but with a used car, you can actually gain money and profit from it. It is a smarter investment and gives you more bang for your buck. 

Good Affordable Options: 

Volkswagen Jetta :

A brand new Volkswagen Jetta runs for about $21-22,000. For a brand-new car, this is very good, especially a 2024 model. It gets very good gas mileage and looks nice for the price point. So you can only imagine how cheap a used model would go for.

Nisan Sentra: 

The Nissan Sentra also goes for a good price. It will cost about $20,000-$23,000. They look sleek and nice, they get about 30-40 miles per gallon which is really good for $20,000.

You can get a used 2023 Sentra for about 16,000 which is phenomenal for the features you get with it. 

Hyundai Accent:

The Hyundai Accent resembles a Ford Fusion but for much cheaper. You can buy a 2023 Hyundai Accent from $16,500  –  $20,000 brand new. It is very safe and has a nice interior. This is a car I would highly recommend.

What are you going to buy???:

Overall cars are a large investment and you should do your own research before buying one, especially with how high the prices are nowadays it is crucial to think twice before spending your hard-earned money. I hope this blog helped you see the perspective on how to choose wisely on your vehicle purchase. There are many routes you can take on how to approach your purchase. You just need to find out what’s right for you. Make sure the cars you pick are good on performance as much as looks. You want a car that is good on gas, good durability, safe, and going to last you long. Also exploring where you can buy your cars is a smart option as well. Buying from a dealership may be more expensive but you know the history of the previous car owners, and they are more trusted. I hope you read this blog with consideration and an open mind. 

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