The journey to achievement!

Have you ever struggled in school? If you have you are not alone. My partner and I went around the school and interviewed one person from each grade. We interviewed them about what their biggest struggle was, how they were going to overcome that struggle their biggest goal for the school year, and how they were going to achieve that goal for the year.

One person from each grade

Their biggest struggle and biggest accomplishment, from this year 

Brooklyn is a freshman, she plays softball and basketball

Biggest struggle

Brooklyn said that English had been her biggest struggle this semester.

How did you overcome that struggle? 

Brooklyn is overcoming this struggle by not having missed assignments.

What is your biggest goal for the school year

Brooklyn’s goal this year is to get all A’s.

How do you plan to achieve it

Brooklyn plans to achieve this goal by studying.


Kiley is a sophomore, she loves hanging out with her friends and her family.

Biggest struggle

Kylie said that she is already failing part of her classes.

How do you plan to overcome that struggle?

Kylie says she plans to get all of her work in and make sure everything is completed. 

What is your biggest goal for the school year?

Kylie’s biggest goal this year is to pass all of her classes

How do you plan to achieve it?

Kiley plans on staying caught up with her work.

Jeremiah is a junior, he loves being around his friends and does well in school

Biggest struggle?

Jeremiah’s biggest struggle was taking some online classes.

How do you plan to overcome this struggle?

Jeremiah said he overcame this struggle by working harder and trying his best.

What is your biggest goal for this school year?

Jeremiah’s goal is to pass all of his classes and work on traveling more

How do you plan to achieve this goal?

Jeremiah plans to work extra hard to save up money and travel more, he also plans to stay on top of his school work so he can pass all of his classes.

Cooper is a senior, he loves to be around his friends and have fun 

Biggest struggle  

Cooper said that his biggest struggle was his work

How do you plan to overcome this struggle?

Cooper plans to continue to stay on top of his work.

What is your biggest goal for this school year?

Cooper plans to pass all of his classes.

How do you plan to achieve this goal?

Cooper plans to work extra hard this year to keep his grades up. 

One person from every grade stated that their goal was to pass this year and they had a class they were struggling in/ they couldn’t stay caught up. It is okay to struggle a little it is important how you handle the situation and the outcome of it 

By Jaydin Contreras, she is a sophomore who loves hanging out with her friends.

By Alivia Fryman, she is also a sophomore who enjoys spending time with family and friends.

One reply to The journey to achievement!

  1. I love seeing people being able to achieve what they been working on

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