Spill Your GUTS

Olivia Rodrigo’s second album, “GUTS,” has been a massive hit since its release almost two months ago. With three songs in the top ten and the entire album in the top 25, it sat at number one on the charts when first released. In this blog post, we’ll explore the unique perspective of the people at Carson’s and their take on the album.

Album Rating

The “GUTS” album, released on September 8th, 2023, received a highly favorable response from Carlson students. It’s worth noting that only 11% of individuals expressed that they didn’t particularly enjoy the album, as indicated in the photo above.

all american—-

This song is assumed to be a reflection on girlhood, and its lyrics can be interpreted as sarcastic. It touches on the theme of portraying oneself as perfect and always great. Interestingly, this happens to be Olivia’s favorite song. When asked about it, she commented, “It expresses something that I’ve been trying to convey since I was around 15 years old.” This insight offers a glimpse into the personal significance and resonance of the song for the artist.

bad idea right?

This song was the second single released from the album. It explores the idea of returning to an ex-partner, despite the awareness that it may not be the right choice. The song radiates a positive vibe and strikes a balance between humor and relatability, making it a funny yet universally understandable track for many listeners.


“Vampire” was the first single released from the album “GUTS,” and it received widespread love. The song claimed the number one spot on the charts for an extended period after its release, and it became a radio staple, with almost everyone having heard it at least once. The song’s dynamic shifts from slow to fast, often catching listeners by surprise. “Vampire” explores the theme of a toxic ex, drawing a parallel between the fame-seeking individual and a blood-sucking vampire, adding depth and intrigue to the lyrics.


“Lacy” is adored by nearly everyone. It has a slow yet sweet melody and is believed to touch on the feelings of envy when looking at a seemingly “perfect” friend. The song’s title aligns perfectly with its overall vibe and theme.

ballad of a homeschooled girl

This track, which is the fifth on the album, often doesn’t receive much attention, but it’s a hidden gem. Despite being somewhat underrated, it’s among Carlson’s top-rated songs. It’s speculated to revolve around the challenges of building a social life after being homeschooled for the majority of one’s life.

making the bed

Despite its rather somber tone, this song has received positive reviews. It explores the emotions of dissatisfaction with one’s current life circumstances while also recognizing personal responsibility for the choices that brought them there. The lyrics, such as “Sometimes I feel like I don’t want to be where I am… but it’s me who’s been making the bed” effectively express the sentiment of understanding the impact of past decisions, even if they aren’t entirely satisfying.


“Logical” is a song that revolves around the idea of having someone in your life who, despite being in the wrong, manages to make you look bad. Many people have found a deep connection with this song, appreciating the exceptionally well-crafted lyrics and the relatable theme it explores.

get him back!

This is undeniably one of the most popular songs on the album. It’s beautifully written, weaving together two distinct meanings: the desire for revenge and the willingness to let the person back into your life. Among the students here, this song is highly beloved, with a significant percentage giving it a perfect score of 3/3, as shown in the photo above.

love is embarrassing

This song holds the ninth position on the album, and its enjoyment largely depends on how much the listener can relate to the lyrics. The title perfectly encapsulates the essence of the song: the embarrassment that often accompanies love or crushes. It’s a track that resonates with those who’ve experienced such emotions firsthand.

the grudge

“The Grudge” stands out as one of the most profound songs on the album. It delves into the aftermath of a failed relationship, highlighting how, despite both parties being in the wrong, one person took things to an extreme level. Many people connect with this song because it touches on universal themes of conflict and strained relationships, whether they be friendships or romantic partnerships.

pretty isn’t pretty

This song delves into the theme of insecurity stemming from external influences and the judgment of others. It conveys the idea that even if you hold a positive self-image, the opinions of others can erode your confidence, exemplified by the line “pretty isn’t pretty.” The song underscores the impact of external pressures and how they can shape one’s self-esteem.

teenage dream

“Teenage Dream” captures the sentiment of hoping that people will continue to view you the same way as you grow up. It touches on the perception of being seen as an innocent teenager and the realization that this image won’t last forever. Many teenage girls can relate to this song because it reflects the uncertainty and apprehension that can come with the transition from being a teenager to embracing the responsibilities of adulthood.

Carlsons Favorite song

At Carlson, the top three songs on rotation are making waves among the students. “Vampire,” “Get Him Back!,” and “Ballad of a Homeschooled Girl” have secured the top spots. Each of these songs offers a unique blend of topics and musical styles, but they all share a common trend of having an upbeat element. The attraction to upbeat songs is no surprise, as they have the ability to uplift spirits and trigger the release of serotonin, making them a favorite among many. Whether it’s the catchy melodies or the positive vibes they exude, these songs are resonating with the Carlson community and bringing a sense of joy to their days. 

Most Relatable

People at Carlson say that “Vampire” is the most relatable song from the album. This song taps into the experiences of youth and the pain of being taken advantage of by someone. Given that the students at Carlson fall within the right age group to relate to the themes of the song, it’s no surprise that “Vampire” resonates strongly with them. The track’s ability to capture the challenges and emotions of their age group makes it particularly relatable for the students at Carlson.

Saddest Song

“Making the Bed” stands out as the most-voted sad song among the listeners. This track expresses the sentiment of not wanting to be in one’s current life situation while simultaneously recognizing personal responsibility for being there. The song’s melancholic tone stems from the realization that, although you may not be content with where you are, you’re also aware that you made the choices that led you to this point. This mix of regret and self-awareness contributes to the song’s overall sense of sadness.

Best Song to Dance to

Among the lively and danceable songs on the album, Carlson students have reached a consensus that “…bad idea right?” takes the top spot as the best track to dance to. With its high-energy and upbeat tempo, this song features a catchy beat that instantly compels you to dance along.


Olivia Rodrigo’s two studio albums have both achieved impressive success in the charts. While both albums are beloved by her fans, it’s interesting to note that among Carlson students, the “GUTS” album appears to be the preferred choice, although the vote was extremely close. It’s a testament to Olivia Rodrigo’s consistent talent and the strong impact of her music, with fans having a strong connection to both albums.

Album Review

The “GUTS” album carries its own unique characteristics while maintaining the same vibe as “SOUR.” Every song on the album brings its individual charm that keeps listeners engaged. As Olivia Rodrigo mentioned, she named it “GUTS” because “It is just an interesting word that people use in so many interesting contexts.” Additionally, the title aligns with her previous album, “SOUR,” as both are four-letter words in all caps, contributing to a cohesive and distinct branding for her music.

By: Hannah Krolak; Hannah loves Olivia Rodrigo’s music and loves listening to “GUTS”

5 replies to Spill Your GUTS

  1. Banger album and banger post, thank you gang.

  2. I love this post, I want to now listen to this album.

  3. This article made me want to go listen to the album.

  4. amazing post wanna listen to her music now!!!!

  5. I love this article because my sister and I love Olivia Rodrigo whenever lacy or vampire turns on we sing our hearts out. I’m not surprised that Vampire was one of the most liked songs out of her GUTS album because it is so good and relatable. I really enjoyed the charts you made!

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