How to Balance School with Sports

Every day I think of what I’m going to do when I get home from school.  As someone who does an after school sport, I immediately think about how and when I’m going to study and finish my homework.  Most people who play sports say they are student athletes, but the big problem for them is the student part.  It’s hard to keep up grades when the thing you have passion for the most is your sport.

Tips on How to Find Time for Homework

From hearing most kids talk about homework, they say that they never do it or blow it off most of the time because of their sports.  

To avoid doing homework very late at night, some tips to help you study and do homework include:

  • uncheckedBefore getting home, think about what you have to study for or what homework you have to do.
  • uncheckedDo your homework or study when you get home from school and before you have to go to your sport.
  • uncheckedTry to finish or study homework while in school during any free time.

If you are struggling to find time for homework you can ask your friends how they balance school with sports and how they can help you.

How do You Balance School with Sports?

Kiley Lewandowski, Sophomore- “I make time for each one so I can succeed in both”.

Aubreé Mcgowen, Senior- “I do school work when it’s given so I don’t have to do it outside of school.”

The Struggles Faced by Student Athletes

Things students struggle with in high school and college are having a job while taking many classes, and balancing with a sport.  If you are struggling to find time for school work while playing a sport, know that you’re not alone and can always help you find time.  As a dancer who dances almost every day of the week, it was hard for me to find time to do work.  It stressed me out and I would be up late every night trying to finish my work.  I was doing my work terribly because I just wanted it to be done.  During my freshman year, this is when I struggled the most.  Towards the start of the second semester, I started to find a routine that would help me find time for homework and get it done correctly.  My strategy was when I got home from school, I would start doing any homework I had before dance.  The same goes for studying for tests and finals. 

Communicate with Teacher and Coaches

A smart way to ask someone for help is to tell your teachers and coaches.  They can be your 2nd most trusted adult to your parents.  You can always ask them for help and let them know if you’re struggling in school.  You can also let them know your schedule for when you might need extra support.  If you know that you have finals, tests, or a lot of homework it’s best to let your coaches know in advance.  Another way to communicate with your teachers is to let them know your sports schedule and ask for extra time or help with homework or studying.

Knowing Your Priorities

Being a student in high school and college, you need to know what is most important to you while being an athlete.  School is the most important even when being an athlete.  

If you don’t know your priorities or what is important to you, you most likely won’t be motivated to do anything.  Having a purpose to find out what your priorities are is the most important thing.  Knowing that school is a priority is very important because school will help you with your future.  Even though sports might be your future, you want to keep your grades up for that future.  Everyone should have the mindset that school comes before sports.  Even if you enjoy sports more than school, school is more important and will help you get into a better college and have a better career.     

By: Erin Watson.  Erin wrote this because she is a student athlete who has struggled with balancing her homework with sports

One reply to How to Balance School with Sports

  1. I love this, Because I am a student athlete and struggle with this same thing.

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